Thursday, 11 August 2011

Unfortunately... wasn't to be.

My results came back the same.

I am thinking about whether raw food didn't work for me at all, or whether there could be some other explanation for the experiment not having worked, and whether it would be worth me trying again.


Another 100 days???


  1. I love your style of writing and the cultural observations you have made. Wonderful insight. I am sorry your results were not what was anticipated...may i make a suggestion? 100 days is not enough to change a lifetime of eating that may have caused illness. I have my own health struggles and while raw has contributed to many improvements, the road is going to be a long step at a time. The problem i have, is that you state you "suffered." I believe that our health and well-being are effected by our state of mind and thoughts as much as what we put into our bodies. What I found with raw eating ..was a LOVE of food I had never experienced before...feeling how charged with life the food was, feeling it go into my body, knowing it was nourishing me...and when I don't eat raw..not feeling guilty..blessing the source of the food and loving it...whatever it was! Negative thoughts about the food you are putting into your body, cannot be a source of what if you cut yourself a break and tried changing your lifestyle...putting a time limit on it, making it an "experiment"...may impact the outcome..then it's just another "diet" and not a lifetstyle change. Don't deny yourself or feel a sense of lack. Learn to make raw foods that titillate your tastebuds. I find raw desserts that I make far better then cooked ones..mostly because of how I feel while and after eating it.

    Change your mind addition to your lifestyle...and do it for the right reasons..because you love your body...and you want to nourish it and nurture it. (i'd nix the alcohol for a bit..only because it can tax your liver, while eating raw is trying to heal your liver and detox your body). I would also suggest looking into soy products if you are eating a lot of them. Many do not consider soy a healthy alternative to meat. It's processed and there are by products to that processing. Also MOST soy is GMO...and it's really difficult to find non gmo soy. I'm amazed how many vegans don't realize that.

    Good luck to you...I hope you find restored health and vitality! Keep on writing. You are very good at it! Blessings! Barbara

  2. Thank you Barbara - I appreciate your feedback and yes, I agree with you. I believe my attitude to raw was something like -> it's a battle, and I will win!
    Which I realise does not make a lot of sense.
    I have often thought about trying again, but would need to prepare it better. Really look into preparing lots of delicious food and feeling good about it. I think I would need to mingle more with other raw foodians too. I like what you are are saying.

    And thank you for the feedback about my writing.
    I have been encouraged more than once to keep going with that too! I am writing my first this space!


  3. the novella is published! please see:
