Friday 27 May 2011

Day 61 - Oh. My. Sainted. Aunts.

Delicious does not even come close.

The edited highlights are :
* Boris Lauser is a raw food genius.
* Real raw food is amazing
* I need a job that pays around 6,000 € monthly after tax, so that I can hire Mr. Lauser as my personal chef / raw food instructor.

Damn, that was delicious!
My only criticism - there wasn't enough of it!


To start with, we were served with a welcome drink. Mango and fermented something. Boris kindly told us all about it, I cannot remember anything except that it is very good for you. Admittedly, it tasted a bit gewöhnungsbedürftigt

The first course looked great - a two-colour asparagus creation (something like a mousse) with a side salad and an orangey source (ingredient not colour).
Wonderful. I love asparagus. And the peeling-chopping into small pieces-then eating thing isn't happening.

The second course was an aubergine and Saubohnen quiche. I have no idea what Saubohnen are in English - or England - but they look like broad beans (oh I just checked Leo, they are broad beans). Whatever. When did you ever eat beans and actually enjoy them? Well, on Wednesday night I did! Delicious. The quiche - I would never have guessed that it wasn't cooked - was amazing. And I love aubergine and have been suffering from withdrawal symptoms from them also. But now I have been inspired and I am going to marinade the one I bought today in Alnatura as soon as this blog post is finished... :-)

The third course the selection of nut cheeses and different kinds of bread. Mindblowing.
So, this was my strategy for eating. I tasted a little of each of the four cheeses and three slices of bread (I can no longer remember all of them I had my clear favourites, the rest paled into insignificance - which btw is only testimony to how great my favourites were...) I ranked each of the breads and cheeses very quickly and then ate them in reverse favourite order.
People my word for today is: Olive bread and Cashew Nut Cheese.


And then a long time nothing.

Boris if you are reading this - I do not want to learn how to make the cheese myself. I want to be in enough supply of it to be able to bathe in it! I have tried to imitate your olive bread today. Ich bin gespannt....

Finally, the fourth course, an absolutely delicious moussy-type desert. Made by Melanie - another excellent raw food chef. The bits of chocolate sprinkled over the top were particularly mind-blowing.

I got to take another portion of pretty much everything home with me and enjoy the whole experience again the next morning. I can now look the remaining 40 days of my raw food experiment squarely in the eye and with confidence. I know how raw food can taste.

Bring it on.

Thank you Boris for rescuing me from almost certain insanity.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Day 59 - Gourmet Dinner!

Oh joy!

I am going out to dinner today - to a place that caters for raw foodians!

Boris Lauser - apparently some kind of raw food genius - is holding one of his regular private dinner parties tonight. We are already booked in. The timing of this could not have been better.
I am on a bit of a food strike -
I have stopped eating raw bread and green salads - cashew nuts and bananas will also bite the dust soon. Avocados are slowly coming back into favour.

I am so looking forward to Boris working his magic - I desperately need to eat something more inspired than "Feldsalat".

...and watch this space :-)

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Day 57 - Top Tip

My top-tip for weight gain:
Do not go on a raw food diet.

Friday 20 May 2011

Day 54 - Mini Kebabs

I still do not have a dehydrator - apparently a wonderful device which helps raw foodians to move beyond salads and smoothies to something almost resembling cooked food.

It is on its way...

Meanwhile, I turned the oven to the lowest possible setting, "warmed it up" and then turned it off again after 15 or 20 minutes. As it was cooling down, I prepared the kebabs.

I am guessing that by the time I put the kebabs in the oven, the ideal temperature of 40-43 degrees celsius had been reached (you can set this temperature exactly on a dehydrator).

The kebabs were delicious.


  1. Cut chunks of one courgette and one red pepper, slice around 15 mushrooms in half
  2. Put the vegetable pieces on cocktail sticks (if you are anal like I am, make sure everything is about the same size and that the vegetable order is maintained on each stick), and put these on a tray lined with baking paper.
  3. Prepare a marinade by blending together ca 100 ml of olive oil, 1/2 clove of garlic, 1 teaspoon of raw agave syrup (the raw foodians substitute for honey and sugar - I use it practically everywhere), a little chili, a little fresh ginger, a little salt.
  4. Pour the marinade over the mini-kebabs and put the tray in the oven.
  5. Leave the whole thing for as long as possible (in a dehydrator it would be there for about 2 hours at 43 degrees celsius)
  6. Enjoy...

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Day 51 - White Teeth

Whatever you say about my weight, my diet, my conversation - one thing that cannot be denied: raw food is great for teeth. They have never been so clean and white!

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Day 45 - TIRED!

I don't understand it.
I keep reading testimonies from other raw foodians which go something like this:

...Eating raw gives you an amazing boost in energy. I used to get tired around 2 or 3pm during the day. Now I simply don’t have that problem. When I do get tired, it doesn’t last nearly as long and an orange or apple will recharge me within a few minutes... I’ve slept better than ever while eating raw. But most importantly, I don’t wake up feeling tired or groggy anymore. On most days, I wake up feeling full of energy...
Taken from: 10 Reasons Eating Raw is Healthier For You and the Planet

Why do I not feel this way?
I simply feel exhausted all the time.
I am trying:

- drinking more
- B12 & Iron supplements
- eating & snacking as much as I can

And maybe I will just need to persevere, as it is likely that I am anaemic, and this will not correct itself overnight. I have also had lots of emotional stuff going on, and probably also because of this, I have been feeling tired for several months . But still. I have been 100% raw for almost half of the experiment timeframe now. The gal I quote above, was saying this after only 30 days (or perhaps even less).

How can I get my energy back? Somebody?!

Monday 9 May 2011

Day 43 - Creamy Tomato Soup

I am getting the hang of this raw food thing :-)

This is my very own hommage to Cream of Tomato Soup...


4 tomatoes
1/2 paprika
1 clove of garlic
a little chili (how hot can you stand it?)
a little salt
a handful of pine nuts
juice of half a lemon

put the whole lot in a small food mixeror blender, add some warm water (adjust the amount according to how thick the soup should be)

mix away...

pour into a white bowl, garnish with fresh parsley & take a photo of it...

Saturday 7 May 2011

Day 41 - Energy & Weight Gain

Raw Shaz 2011 (self portrait)

Check it
I was in a restaurant yesterday ordering some food and it was the usual - what do they have that is raw? Hmm looks like salad again.
The way I order salads now is to give a standard intro:

"Please could I have number 7, but without the meat/fish/eggs and no dressing or sweetcorn, but could I have olive oil and vinegar?"

(Varies depending on the exact menu to hand).

Sometimes it requires me to repeat myself a couple of times. At which point I ignore the bit after dressing. Sometimes it goes smooth like a baby's bottom. Then I get adventurous and add:

"Do you have mushrooms? Raw? Could I have a couple of those? But not tinned, and not fried or anything. Just plain raw mushrooms. Thanks!"

But yesterday I went a little too far and I added:

"I am on a raw food diet".

I guess she only heard the word "diet". And she says: "You are on a diet? What more do you want to lose? There will be nothing left of you!"

I joked and said something about how I was proof that the diet worked really well and you should have seen me before I started, and laughed a little.
The truth is, her comment did hurt me a bit.

See, I have always been underweight and I have found it either irrelevant or slightly embarrasing, depending on how many comments I draw from others (always other women).

But it seems, since I have gone raw, I have lost even more weight. And my guess is I am around 53 kilos right now. Seeing as I am 1.76m, this is not very good - even for my standards. So I am on a mission to gain weight. Which is a challenge if you are a raw vegan (ha, especially a reluctant one!).

I have been researching and you know what I came up with?
Mind-blowing really. The most effective way to gain weight is to eat more and eat frequently.
Who would have Adam-n-Eve'd it.

I will also be emphasising:

  • Increase my protein intake - Sunflower seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds
  • Increase my carbs intake - fresh fruits (and dried fruits), fresh vegetables (esp. leafy greens) & wholegrains (eg raw bread)
  • Increase my fat intake - cold pressed oils on sandwiches, salads etc.

If anyone has any other clever tips, please do comment! Thanks...