Thursday, 11 August 2011
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Day 100 - Over & out
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Day 97 - Poem by Tyrell & Sharon (Haiku IV)
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Day 95 - Black and Raw

Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Day 86 - Red & Green Unite
Monday, 13 June 2011
Day 78 - Culinary Highlights (Haiku III)
day seventy-four?
Friday, 10 June 2011
Day 75 - 3/4
- Boris Lauser - a gourmet Raw Food Chef who hosts private dinner parties in his Kreuzberg home (so good I ate there twice :-)
- La Mano Verde - a vegan restaurant in Charlottenburg that serves gourmet cooked food but also has a complete raw food menu
- "Rawfood Goes ..." events organised regularly by Rawger and held in Fujisan Bar in Wilmersdorf, and
- Gesund und Sündig, also in Wilmersdorf, apparently Germany's first raw food restaurant which only opened this month
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Day 73 - Corn on the Cob
However good it tastes, surely raw corn on the cob cannot replace hot buttery corn on the cob I eat at every major street festival I attend? Or the salty grilled version I ate so happily in Accra as a child?
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Day 67 - Avocado thing
Friday, 27 May 2011
Day 61 - Oh. My. Sainted. Aunts.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Day 59 - Gourmet Dinner!
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Day 57 - Top Tip
Do not go on a raw food diet.
Friday, 20 May 2011
Day 54 - Mini Kebabs
- Cut chunks of one courgette and one red pepper, slice around 15 mushrooms in half
- Put the vegetable pieces on cocktail sticks (if you are anal like I am, make sure everything is about the same size and that the vegetable order is maintained on each stick), and put these on a tray lined with baking paper.
- Prepare a marinade by blending together ca 100 ml of olive oil, 1/2 clove of garlic, 1 teaspoon of raw agave syrup (the raw foodians substitute for honey and sugar - I use it practically everywhere), a little chili, a little fresh ginger, a little salt.
- Pour the marinade over the mini-kebabs and put the tray in the oven.
- Leave the whole thing for as long as possible (in a dehydrator it would be there for about 2 hours at 43 degrees celsius)
- Enjoy...
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Day 51 - White Teeth
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Day 45 - TIRED!
...Eating raw gives you an amazing boost in energy. I used to get tired around 2 or 3pm during the day. Now I simply don’t have that problem. When I do get tired, it doesn’t last nearly as long and an orange or apple will recharge me within a few minutes... I’ve slept better than ever while eating raw. But most importantly, I don’t wake up feeling tired or groggy anymore. On most days, I wake up feeling full of energy...
Taken from: 10 Reasons Eating Raw is Healthier For You and the Planet
I simply feel exhausted all the time.
Monday, 9 May 2011
Day 43 - Creamy Tomato Soup
4 tomatoes
1/2 paprika
1 clove of garlic
a little chili (how hot can you stand it?)
a little salt
a handful of pine nuts
juice of half a lemon
mix away...
pour into a white bowl, garnish with fresh parsley & take a photo of it...
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Day 41 - Energy & Weight Gain
"Please could I have number 7, but without the meat/fish/eggs and no dressing or sweetcorn, but could I have olive oil and vinegar?"
"Do you have mushrooms? Raw? Could I have a couple of those? But not tinned, and not fried or anything. Just plain raw mushrooms. Thanks!"
- Increase my protein intake - Sunflower seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds
- Increase my carbs intake - fresh fruits (and dried fruits), fresh vegetables (esp. leafy greens) & wholegrains (eg raw bread)
- Increase my fat intake - cold pressed oils on sandwiches, salads etc.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Day 40 - Meet Jeff
Monday, 25 April 2011
Day 29 - No more Alcohol
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Day 28 - Preparing for the picnic (Haiku II)
Friday, 22 April 2011
Day 26 - Slowly becoming convinced...
Monday, 18 April 2011
Day 22 - Pizza!
- Put the raw bread on your plate
- Mix up the sundried tomotoes in the blender (to make it easier to mix, I added two or three cherry tomatoes to the mixture too)
- Spread tomato mixture onto the raw bread (aka pizza base)
- Top with sliced olives
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Day 16 - Cheese Fondue
Monday, 11 April 2011
Day 15 - On Searching For an Exciting Dinner (Haiku I)
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Day 12 - Freshly Squeezed Juice
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Day 9 - If I see another avocado I will have to stab it
Monday, 4 April 2011
Day 8 - "Tagliatelle"
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Day 7 - Arte
Had my fitting for the arte thing* today. I told them I needed to inform the catering department (or the bloke who makes the sandwiches) about my special diet.
Fresh fruit and veg is apparently no problem. Cool. Switzerland, here I come.
Bladder infection seems to be gone - I am not taking any chances and spending lots of time relaxing, sitting, lying down and drinking herbal teas and water.
Bad mood is much better though...
*the arte thing: I have successfully auditioned and will be a featured extra in the next series of Idents. No idea when they will be shown on T.V. I am the "Hinsetzer" (the Sit-Downer). Am very happy with this role. Very. Next stop Hollywood.
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Day 6 - Revenge of My Bladder
Bladder infection almost completely gone then back with a vengeance. Shame. I wanted to dance at Pasquale's party.
Felt grumpy and irritable for most of the day.
Was good to hang out with excellent people in the evening though.
The party rocked. And you really can get drunk on mineral water. Well - I can.
Friday, 1 April 2011
Day 5 - Bad Mood
Bladder infection. All round general bad mood. Exhaustion.
There are lots of explanations for this.
I for one do not blame it on the fact that yesterday I was living almost only on rocket salad leaves and mushrooms.
Not one bit.
I slept a lot. Lewis made me raw food vegan breakfast in bed. That is true love.
Wondering what vegan raw foodians do when they travel away from home for more than 24 hours...
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Day 4 - Aloe Blacc
We ran out of avocados. Damn. Still...I do have so much to eat.
These are the advantages of having a boyfriend who runs an organic supermarket :-)
I wonder if they will still be in business when my raw food vegan diet experiment is over...
Drank only water at the Aloe Blacc concert. Those who know my love of consumption of alcoholic beverages found this either totally bizarre (Pas) or simply hilarious (Manu).
I have now become a social pariah. I knew this would happen...
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Day 3 - Be Healthy!
How do you do this without recourse to avocados? I cannot get enough of them.
Visitors tonight - Sebastian & Manu eat raw food without me really asking for their permission...
They seem to be happy enough. Manu and I enjoy some white wine together - apparently that *is* raw too!
I might survive this after all...
I am asked why I am doing this. My answer: this is medically indicated. I want to cure myself of an affliction that I have had for the last three years, and this is my last resort before surgery. Fingers are crossed.
Sebastian introduced me to "Be Healthy" from Dead Prez. THANK YOU!
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Day 2 - Raw Bread is Good
Hey I am pleasantly surprised. I do like the raw bread, even more than the standard stuff.
I don't miss anything at breakfast time, as I usually didn't eat at all. Now I eat lots of fruit - I am slightly panicked about possibly suddenly feeling hungry and then stuffing my face with the nearest McCrap that comes to hand...This is why I am carrying food with me.
I have never eaten so many cashews in my life.
At the Ghana vs England game I drank mineral water and ate a fresh salad. The world looks up.
Lewis' burger and chips were tempting, but I was strong...
Monday, 28 March 2011
Day 1 - Only 99 left to go...
I have finally begun. Already hating it and only 30 seconds have passed.
No more Latte Macchiato
The gravity of what I am doing is just beginning to hit me.
I would kill for a bacon sandwich right now (ok, it's a figure of speech...)
Dirk made some raw bread in the evening. *Scepticism*